
3 out of 4 housing associations champion solar panels

Solar photovoltaics (PV) are the most popular choice1 of sustainable technology for housing associations, the NHBC Foundation has found.

The social housing sector has been at the forefront of energy efficient technology adoption in the UK, and has been building homes to significantly higher levels of the Code for Sustainable Homes in comparison to the private development sector.

Of those surveyed for the NHBC Foundation’s latest report, 75% of housing associations said they were impressed with PV technology and would use it again in the future, whilst almost 60% said they expected to use MVHR (mechanical ventilation and heat recovery) and solar thermal hot water too.

Water-saving technologies also came out favourably, with low-flush toilets and low-flow taps and showers becoming standard in new homes.

There is just one year to go before the Government’s 2016 zero-carbon home target is due, and this report aims to help the construction industry make better-informed choices regarding sustainable technology.

Other findings from the report include:

  • Two-thirds of housing associations stated upfront costs were the main reason for choosing specific technologies to install, whilst maintenance costs also featured high on their lists
  • 43% said that reducing poverty fuel was one of their biggest drivers for installing sustainable energy technologies
  • Over half consider ease of use for residents
  • Only 19% factor in a technology’s payback potential
  • 66% of housing associations stressed the importance of hiring an experienced company to install sustainable systems after having problems with unskilled installers
  • A quarter cited better air quality after installation
  • 81% said residents’ bills were cheaper when using sustainable technology

If you’d like to know more about solar power and other sustainable energy sources, contact us today.

1 HVP, 2015. Photovoltaics are the top choice for Housing Associations. [Online] Available at: http://www.hvpmag.co.uk/news/fullstory.php/aid/3256/Photovoltaics_are_the_top_choice_for_Housing_Associations.html. [Accessed 29th May 2015].

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