Boiler guide: 17 Do’s and Don’ts when installing a new boiler
This week, we’re continuing our boiler basics series. We’ve covered things to think about, what a new boiler will cost and different types of boilers. To sum up, here’s a quick fire list of 17 dos and don’ts when you come to install your new boiler.
Boiler Guide: Things to do
Make sure your installer is Gas Safety accredited.
Get 2 or 3 quotes from local boiler installer companies. Price, guarantee and quality of workmanship can vary drastically.
Have a magnetic filter included in the installation, or at least have a good reason to omit it.
Make sure the system is suitably flushed to remove sludge and debris at the time of the installation.
Have corrosion inhibitor chemicals added at the time of installation to protect the new boiler.
Ensure the installer covers the surrounding area in protective sheets.
Make sure the manufacturer’s guarantee and Gas Safe Register paperwork are completed, sent off and logged online.
Ask your installer about follow-up care and annual servicing.
Check if you need new programmers, pumps, thermostats and other components on the system.
Expect the old boiler to be properly disposed of.
Boiler Guide: Don’t do this
Use an installer with a conspicuous lack of customer reviews. It’s the only way to check the reliability of your installer.
Ignore the importance of researching the manufacturer of the boiler being recommended by the installer to make sure it is suited to your needs.
Be afraid to ask any questions about everything so that you are clear on what to expect.
Feel you have to hang around all day during the installation. Good firms are tidy and responsible and can be left to it.
Expect to clean up afterwards or be left with piles of rubbish – This should all be taken care of.
Pay the balance until you are satisfied.
Be bamboozled by jargon in the quotes. Get at least three and seek clarity when comparing them.
Check here for more information on what to expect from your boiler installation experts. Or visit our website to get a quote for a new boiler installation .