
5 home safety tips for Christmas

By now, you’ve probably got your Christmas decorations up and are busily shooing the kids away from the best present-hiding spots in the house… But have you scoped out the dangers that are lurking amongst your tinsel and fairy lights?

These tips will help you safeguard your family and home against potential hazards this Christmas.

    1. Never leave fairy lights plugged in when you go out or are sleeping

    2. Check the fuses for any electronic decorations are the correct type (the maximum size of fuse will be detailed on the box)

    3. Don’t overload your plug sockets

    4. Paper decorations burn easily – so keep them away from lights, heaters, candles and fireplaces

    5. Keep your Christmas tree at a safe distance from any heat sources and don’t allow people to smoke near it

Choose your tree wisely

Keeping a tree indoors is always a fire hazard, as a burning tree can rapidly fill a room with flames and deadly gases.

The older a tree is, the more dangerous it becomes, so always select a fresh fern. Upon purchase, the leaves should be green and hard to pull back from their branches, whilst the trunk should be sticky to touch.

You can tell if a tree is too old by bouncing it on the ground; if the leaves fall off, get rid of it.

Don’t throw old branches or leaves in the fireplace – recycling your tree is always the best way to dispose of it.

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